My challenge today is for us to live a life of STAGGERING GENEROUSITY
GENEROSIY IS NOBLE because I it is – Visionary, Creative, Noble, Life Giving, Creative, Intentional, Virtuous, Healthy, Encouraging, Courageous, Optimistic, Spiritual, Hopeful, Abundant
We are all astoundingly creative – most of us think only a special few are creative. We are all creative.
We all creative when we focus on certain themes. Not everyone explores and develops this talent.
Generosity is proof that everyone is fantastically creative.
Once we decide to live a Generous Life – we come up with many ways of being extremely Generous. It is then that you look for kind, helpful ways of helping others
We don’t always consider these as acts of generosity in our daily lives:
- Today, make it personal –
- call someone, “give of your time” at any opportunity today,
- ask the people you love about their hopes and dreams,
- give someone an unexpected gift,
- compliment someone who would least expect it and as many others as possible,
- donate blood,
- smile at everyone,
- give someone an appropriate book,
- tell people close to you that you love them,
- be happy for others when good things happen to them,
- Examine how these make you feel – more clam, more happy, more satisfied, more confident?
- We are at our best when we are generous. Generosity animates us. Literally breathes life into us. It fills us with HOPE. Brings out the best in us. It animates us. It is contagious.
- We are not at our best when we are selfish, stingy and nasty.
- Catching someone doing something right, instills TRUST.
- Our culture is to pick on what someone is doing WRONG – it destroys TRUST and ENTHISIASM. It Devalues a person.
- We thrive on positive reinforcement we all need it.
- When we focus on the negative and finding fault – we Blame, Deny and make Excuses – and we override Responsibility and Accountability – the two big pillars on becoming a HERO, THE EXCEPTION and being the best version of yourself. We then become VICTIMS.
- Find people who are doing the right thing today – doing their best – whether it be:
- service at a Café,
- a flight attendant,
- a person helping someone across the road,
- giving flowers to someone,
- a person who is smiling and saying thank you to those who help he or she,
- a person who praises team members for doing their job excellently.
- Time, we started catching people at their best or talking the time to help them be their best. Time to find out if heir life is Messy and provide support, 2 ears and empathy to help improve their lot.
There is a sign I was sent which said – “YOU WERE CREATED IN THE IMAGE OF GOD – ACT LIKE IT” – Irrespective of your notion of God – we are surrounded by GENEROSITY:
Rivers, waterfalls, fields, abundance of fauna, flora, crops, sun, rain, imagination, wind, sun, moon, stars, inventions, innovations, sunrise, sunset, natural resources, reefs, technology, communication options, entertainment. It is how we use these that is important. Unfortunately, EGO and IGNOBLE mindset cause us to fight, not listen and restrict us using all these for the betterment of our Spiritual and Emotional Elements.
Go out of your way today to ENCOURAGE others –
- ENCOURAGEMENT is praising others,
- is acknowledging the good others do,
- it is lifting a pers0n’s spirits.
Who knows what mess is in their lives, what challenges they have faced or are facing, what trouble they encountered on their way to work?
Just a Generous smile or a Generous word from you can make all the difference.
ENCOURAGEMENT is an abundant supply – you could spend all day encouraging people and still have an ABUNDANT TANK of ENCOURAGEMENT left over – limited by your Creativity.
INTENTIONAL GENEROSITY is astounding to others and to yourself.
When we display GENEROSITY what we are saying is – I see you, I hear you, I am with you, I care
Generosity can also give you the opportunity to declutter your own life – by giving some of your things away. It may help someone else, it essentially cost you nothing and you declutter your own life. Staggering what Generosity can do.
- Give something away every day.
- It doesn’t have to cost you money, or material possessions.
- In fact, the world is starved of connection. Starved of our Spiritual and Emotional Elements.
The Spiritual Element which uplifts our mood, our whole being, our day-to-day life and our Emotional Quotation needs the display of CHARACTER AND VIRTUE – as we have discussed above – a smile, a thank you, a well done, can I help you, are you OK?
Most of us do not need things – we need to feel love, to feel appreciated, to feel that our life matters (to someone) and to feel we are of worth.
Loneliness is a big insidious virus growing throughout our community.
It leads to suicide, crime, violence, rebellious activity or just a sheer lack of joy, purpose and meaning in a life.