When it comes to acquiring wisdom, while many of us may desire it, there are probably few who have given thought to what it really is.
Wisdom is not the same thing as knowledge. You can very easily acquire knowledge and information about many topics, life experiences, facts, truths or principles – however if you do not apply this information to your life and take some time to ponder, discuss and think through what you are ingesting. Then you may not actually use WISDOM to make to the best decision.
Wisdom, especially spiritual wisdom, is not just about knowing or being told what’s good for you – but applying that knowledge into your everyday life. When you do that, this is when you know that you are truly wise.
Hindsight is a great teacher – however quite a useless option most times. Wisdom is making the best decision or action at this point in time. Hindsight or the consequences (good or poor) of this decision will appear later.
Most of our decisions do no harm. However, some really important decisions about habits, behaviours in the main Elements of your Life – may be devasting. Choices, habits and behaviours determine the quality of your life.
It is your responsibility to make good choices in the elements of your life – Fun, Family, Finance, Faith, Leadership and Emotional and Physical Health. And to be accountable for them.
Wisdom – the best application of the knowledge and information you have – is critical to Designing a Good Life.
How Can One Achieve Wisdom?
There is a story in the Bible that speaks of Solomon. As a young man he was offered anything his heart desired. However, he requested Wisdom. In response to his humble wish, God said to Solomon:
“Because this was in your heart, and you have not asked for riches or wealth or honour or the life of your enemies, nor have you asked for a long life—but have asked wisdom and knowledge for yourself, that you may judge My people over whom I have made you king— wisdom and knowledge are granted to you; and I will give you riches and wealth and honour, such as none of the kings have had who were before you, nor shall any after you have the like” – (2 Chronicles 1:11-12, NKJV).
Whether or not you are Christian, there is still a lot of personal revelation that can be received from a tale such as this.
The fact that Solomon asked for (not just knowledge) but insight on how to apply the knowledge effectively, he was granted things like riches, wealth and honour. These came from making good and wise decisions.
Why? Because once you know what to do with what you have, the universe can entrust you with more.
Another story of the Wisdom of Solomon was when two women both claimed a child as their own. Solomon commanded that the child be cut in two. Almost immediately one of the women cried out “Don’t hurt the child”.
She was the real mother of the baby as she would lose rather that hurt her own child. Simply – but effective way in Solomon’s use of Wisdom.
Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw wrote:
“We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future.”
The Roman writer, Seneca confirms this by saying:
“No man (person) was ever wise by chance.”
The pursuit of wisdom is good for your human trinity (mind, body, spirit). This quest is not some magical thing that comes to some and overlooks others.
Wisdom is the constant application of knowledge and experience acquired through the Lens of Character and Virtue – especially Mercy and Justice – mariocalanna.com.au/the-virtues-of-mercy-and-justice-must-be-linked-and-underpinned-by-authenticity
Tips on Achieving Wisdom
- Choose wisdom. If you want what’s best for your soul, it starts with making a decision to have it. Far too many people find themselves in debilitating situations simply because they have chosen unwisely.
- Trust your instincts. Trust your instincts because that’s where true wisdom manifests itself. A person’s intuition is more than just a hunch. It is a form of guidance. Instinct is a way of God or other force talking to us; therefore, this inner insight should never be taken lightly or ignored. Make it a point to pay special attention to the still, small voice inside you. It knows more than you think it does about you.
- Set boundaries. Once you desire Wisdom, the rules for how you live your life will change. You will start to wonder if it’s wise to eat junk food at 10 p.m. Or if it’s wise to talk to your ex when he or she has broken your heart three times. Guarding your soul (your feelings, your heart and your thoughts) is a path that leads to great wisdom.
- Surround yourself with wisdom.Wise counsel, wise people, wise books – all of these things are avenues of wisdom. Birds of a feather flock together. Do you want to be an eagle or a dodo bird? Your choice!
- Learn from your mistakes. The first time might be an accident. The second time might be a mistake. But the third time? Remember, being wise not only means that you have established information based on facts and truths, but you are now ready to apply them to your life. If you received a speeding ticket on a certain street, how wiseis it to speed down that road again?
- Learn from other people’s mistakes. Chaplain and activist Gail Masondo once said, “Discernment prevents experience from being your teacher.” You, personally, don’t have to go through everything to learn a great lesson from it. Watch and observe. You can learn a PhD in life by enrolling in that class alone.
- Choose it daily. One of the greatest pearls of wisdom that life can ever give you is that, for as long as you are living, you will never have all of the wisdom you need.
- What you learned yesterday was enough for yesterday. Keep yourself aware that every minute you will be open to the new things that life wants to teach you about your environment, yourself and others.
- As you evolve, so do the messages that you must add to keep the wisdom evolution going.
Once you begin applying these seven principles to your life, you are on your way to awareness of Wisdom.
As with any new habit or behaviour Wisdom doesn’t come overnight – but if you work on it and expect it to come, you will receive it. For as long as the holistic health of your Spiritual Element remains a top priority in your life, Wisdom will be attainable for you.
Actress Margaret Young noted:
“Often people attempt to live their lives backwards. They try to have more things or more money, in order to do more of what they want so they will be happier. The way it actually works is the reverse. You must first be who you really are, then do what you need to do, in order to have what you want.”