“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.”
– Marianne Williamson

It is commonly accepted that most people fear public speaking more than death itself. However, I believe we have a greater fear – hidden and mostly ignored – and that is how Great we can be.

Could it be that Greatness requires us to be Responsible for living the Purpose for which we were born?

Could it be that greatness expects that we aim to be Excellent in all areas of our life?

Could it be that Greatness expects us to be Accountable for our words and actions so as to become the best of which we are capable?

I believe we are each the author of our life. We were each born for a Purpose, on a Purpose and with a Purpose with certain talents and skills. What type of life we live depends very much on our determination, our commitment and how we react to the thoughts that flow between our own ears.

I am truly convinced that what we believe – we will become.

Our beliefs will determine if we lead a poor life, a mediocre life or an exceptional life.

Greatness awaits each of us – if we strive for Excellence in our daily lives.

So what is it that we are really afraid of anyway?

If we follow your heart – do we fear bankruptcy, poverty, hurling into the darkness, into the void of the unknown, passing some point of no return and having to go back to where we started?

Do we fear being a terrible partner, wife or husband, a poor parent, not providing for others or destroying their dreams?

Do we fear betraying our race, our heritage, our culture? Do we fear being ridiculed or mocked, or being left alone? Do we fear embarrassment, sadness, illness or even death?

We ask ourselves – “who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, successful, talented, famous, respected”?

Actually who are we NOT to BE? We are each a Child of God.  Our playing small doesn’t serve the world.

Maybe it is our LIGHT not our Darkness that frightens us the most!

Perhaps our deepest fear is that we can become the person we sense deep in our hearts. The person we truly are.

That is what we are most afraid of.

That we are as powerful, as capable, as influential, as deserving – as that voice inside tells us we are.

That voice – could be the most terrifying fear we could face.

Why? Because it is usually the opposite to all the tribal habits and narratives that have been wired into our physic over our life time.

Why do we fear this realisation so much? Why do we continually try to deny it, to escape from it, avoid it and even suppress it?

Because we fear that if we follow that voice – if we answer the call, if we step over that line, if we cross that threshold, if we begin that adventure – then we need live up to it. We have to maintain it.

And that scares the hell out of us.

And even if we reach our Holy Grail – and achieve our greatness – then we could have left behind all that we know, all that we were, and many of who we knew. We could lose our old friends, our family, all those who knew us as we were. Because they may no longer know us as we are.

We fear that we will end up alone with no one to hold onto or to hold onto us.

However there is a Spiritual Self within us that has a Purpose and a Power that can fight the Resistance and the Negative forces.

This is your Greatness. It is your grand and glorious potential. But to use it, to realise it, to utilise it – you have to constantly fight the Resistance. You have to step through the fear to realise this greatness.

That greatness was bestowed into you as it was into every person ever born. And it is more powerful than the Resistance – if you will believe it, if you will embrace it and if you will utilise it.

Do you want to live heroically? Do you want to inspire others as they are capable of living?

If so you have to Deny and Defy the Resistance.  Decide to rise up and live the life you were born to live.

Ultimately Life is a Choice:

A choice between feeding the Good Wolf or the Bad Wolf

A choice between wishing it was easier or wishing you were better

A choice between Appreciation or Expectation

A choice to love or not to love

A choice between Designing your own Good Life or allowing someone else design it for you.

The world will not be improved by politicians, or by groups of powerful people.  But by individuals who decide to be “Great” and are passionate enough to influence their family, their friends, and their work mates – to live their own Purpose and become the best of which they are capable.

Greatness begins between your Ears!!!


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