Mario's Blog


By 14 November 2020No Comments

The leaders and people who wish to be the Exception – to live the purpose they were born to live – need to develop their Emotional Quotient in this 21st Century. That is to live and lead with the virtues of Character – Loyalty, Honesty, Humility, Respect, Excellence, Creativity, Patience – to name a few.

Added to these virtues is also the need to be Responsible and Accountable.

Now is the time where we have 5 generations of our population in the workforce, a greater percentage of females in the workforce and more constant changes in people’s lives. Changes made (in the main) by choices to look for something better or easier– many times at the expense of Character and a better lifestyle.

Almost every industry and profession is faced with – a lack of skilled or qualified people, an increasing number of people who wish only to work a few days a week, an increasing number of people who are attempting to find happiness, security or contentment by constantly looking for new pastures.

Many choices are made with little regard for the consequences that result. Every Choice we make has a consequence (good or bad) on ourselves and others – especially in the workplace. Changes in team members usually place increased pressure on the team – especially as replacements are becoming more difficult to find.

While people should have freedom to choose – it is the manner in which this is done that determines our Character, our regard for our team and ultimately forms our reputation and the person we see in the mirror.

Peace and contentment can never be found without building the Emotional Quotient of Character.

Our Emotional Quotient is the Spiritual Element of our Wellness Wheel. It is probably the element that is least respected, discussed and acknowledged.

In this age where the narrative in society is ‘freedom to do what I wish and when I wish’, we fail to consider the words of St Pope Paul II:

“Freedom consists in not doing what we like, but having the right to do as we ought”

So let us look briefly at the Character Virtue of Loyalty – for this is undoubtedly reflected or ignored in the work place.

Loyalty is being faithful to those who depend on you.

  • Loyalty builds trust in ourselves and in each other.
  • Loyalty is built by being more reliable, more dependable and more faithful to those team members who depend on you.
  • Loyalty to others is needed for the peace it brings to us as individuals.
  • Loyalty is the Force that forges individuals into a team – everyone knows they can count on each other.
  • Loyalty is earned by giving your loyalty to the team.
  • Loyalty strengthens our connection with each other.
  • Loyalty says that I can rely on the team and the team can rely on me.

There are people at work who depend on you. They need your Loyalty.

There are people upon whom you depend. You need their Loyalty.

If you do your work properly – the person in front of, behind, above or below you gets to do theirs – confidently and correctly. If you are holding up others at the workflow or causing distress, then you are being disloyal to them. If someone is holding up your workflow then they are being disloyal to you.

Disloyalty at any level of a work place is messy, is a nuisance, it causes stress and disharmony. No matter when you leave, how you leave, why you leave – if your Emotional Quotient of Loyalty is low or ignored – the same outcome will occur in your next venture.

Loyalty has become cheapened over the past decade (especially). It is seen as an old fashioned outdated virtue. To the extent that the phrase “There is no Loyalty anymore” continues to be used as an excuse for people moving to other places, for changing buying habits, or for changing jobs for no real reason.

I believe there IS Loyalty in the vast majority of our community. I do not believe you can buy it, trade it, expect it or control it.

Loyalty is remaining faithful to those who depend on you. There is an Act of the Will in there somewhere on the part of the person acting ‘loyally’.

Loyalty in a team environment instinctively attracts other Character Values – Honesty, Respect, Excellence – and by virtue of its TRUST factor adds Confidence to individuals and the team.

We each choose to act as we do. It is hard to do the noble thing. It is hard to do the ignoble thing.

You are the author of your life – you make your Choices.

Decide to Design your own Good Life with Nobility and help others Design theirs.

Acting with Loyalty is a powerful piece of life’s jigsaw

7 Elements of the Whole Health Wellness Wheel